Congratulations on your purchase of this Wayzata product!: The Front Page News is a collection of over 10 News Wire Services on 1 CD-ROM. There are over 330,000 articles covering July 1991 - June 1992. All articles are organized in reverse chronological order. Wayzata Technology, Inc. assumes no liability for completeness nor correctness of supplied data. The Front Page News is divided into two separate databases: News : "Front_Page_News. CTL" -- 330,000 ++ articles (Includes all the wire services except daily market information) and Financial Markets : "Financial_Markets. CTL" -- 9000 ++ articles (Includes only the daily financial market information, the "Front_Page_News. CTL" would include articles about financial news) To Get Started: Double click on either "Front_Page_News. CTL" or "Financial_Markets. CTL" See the file "TABLE_OF_CONTENTS" to find out where each month of articles begin and end in the database "Front_Page_News. CTL". Ideas on how to use the Front Page News: There are so many articles that one can not expect to page through all the articles. First you need to decide what sort of information you are looking for. As an example, you may want background information on Patrick Buchanan who is running against Bush for the Republican Presidential Nomination. In articles he may be referred to as Patrick Buchanan or Pat Buchanan, but first try searching for "Buchanan". This is accomplished by clicking on the "Search" button in the "Navigation" window (a small rectangular window on the right side of your screen) or by pressing command key and "S". A Search dialog will now appear. Now type in "Buchanan" (omit the quotes) into the first Search box and press return or (Search). Next a "Hit List" window appears which tells you how many articles mention "Buchanan" and a list of articles is built in this window. A "hit" is an article that mentions "Buchanan" and a "hit list" is list of those articles. Once your cursor changes back to normal (non-waiting) you can scroll through the list of "hits" and double click on any one to view. You can now try to narrow down your search by typing in more words into the "Search" dialog, such as Patrick Buchanan; or Pat Buchanan. See "help" under "Apple" menu for more complex searches. Searching for dates in the Front Page News: Do a "Search" as before, a date is in the form "06/28/92" (with no quotes) the date searched for would be June 28th. Each date will have many articles and should be used in conjunction with other search words. Help is available under the "Apple" Menu. More detailed help is available by openning the file _TextWare_Documentation.CTL Wayzata Technology, Inc. Post Office Box 807 Grand Rapids, Minnesota 55744 Technical Support: 1-800-377-7321 Sales: 1-800-735-7321 Either: (218) 326-0597, FAX: (218) 326-0598